Saturday, September 19, 2009

To begin with...

I originally "started" this blog over a year ago with a rather lengthy post on my frustration with the new "widescreen" display craze, but it turns out I tried to say too much at once and never really finished. So now I'm starting simpler, and actually, well, starting.

So I'm going to post my thoughts from time to time, on technology, philosophy, travel, photography, and anything else that seems worth sharing. Above all this will be a chronicle of opinion and editorial, as most blogs are. So if you like the way I think, I hope you'll want to keep reading.

Occasionally odd, often personal things will assert themselves - my strong views on toilet paper quality for example - who knows. I hope you'll enjoy the less technical side of me too, but if not there will always be tags to filter with.

And so, without further ado, the first post is born!

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