Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Time Flies and the Epic Road Trip

Just a quick update this time. I started writing a longer, more involved post, and then I realized it was kind of a waste of time. A lot has happened since my last update and I can't possibly do justice to it all in any single blog post. So rather than try to do that, I'll just mention a few things and leave the rest for future updates.

Most importantly, although this blog has seen very infrequent use, it's about to get a lot more action. I've quit my "day job" at Bauman College, where I have worked for the past 4 1/2 years, and I'm going on an 8 week road trip with my girlfriend who just graduated from college. We'll be doing a big loop around the US, first North then South, and we've got a ton of things in the itinerary already.

We're also hoping for input from our friends and family on recommended places to visit and things to do on our route, so take a look a the PDF of our planned itinerary and let us know if you have something we just have to do or see on the way (in comments or by email). This is by no means a complete list of what we'll be doing, it's just an overview of the route and major "way points" (and we're leaving it somewhat open to allow for a good amount of flexibility in the details).

Along the way we'll both be blogging, taking photos, and even trying to get some decent video. I've got a new compact digital camera with high definition video recording capability (Panasonic ZS7), an intervalometer for my dSLR for shooting time-lapse (Pclix), and a new wide aperture prime lens as well (Sigma 24mm f/1.8). Photos will be at my photoblog, and video likely on my as-yet unused Youtube (or Vimeo) account. Reviews of all the new equipment will probably show up somewhere on our journey as I get the chance to use it all.

So if you'd like to follow us on our trek, we'd love to have you along for the ride. We'll try to make it interesting. ;-) When I get back I expect to have some more time to keep the blog updated on a regular basis and I've got some potentially interesting posts waiting in the wings that I'll be finishing up and publishing. Not least of which is the 2nd part of my 5 day week concept.

You can expect to see a new blog post at least once a week from here until the end of the trip!

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